
Beats by Dre Just Beats are all ascending to

, Also say don't manage.
"Go and call out all of the persons of upstairs quickly and quickly, they even if come, saw our person many, don't dare to chase as well how are we."One approaches the hasty voice of 40-year-old middle age man to say, is exactly three elder brothers of Luo maple.
Not and in a short while, just when the persons of upstairs all come out, the person of that police station also came.Totally six cars are all bread,Beats Solo HD, each car top comes down 6 people and takes Jing stick in each hand and is dressed in Jing to take, while getting off even still 2 people talk to smile.
"They this time still really dare Be getting more anti-, if the words that not hand over have them the suffering to eat."
"Was not also so before?Give them several sticks like, is all some be born in the year of the Dog, disappeared coffin not to shed tears."
"Ha ha, see to you before is usually did like this, have already all there been experience.To just came in time, see of those two sports cars are also really quite good, had never thought this kind of place, will have a luxury vehicle like that."
"Certainly Be getting more quite good, return calculate your boy has a little knowledge.I am also on TV just see, an among those seem'the star float', another , have never seen, should be the orchid Bo radicle Ni, be worth of must.Probably was the backstage owner of this small area to come, however have him at better, does the bureau chief like with his relation."
"Die" Luo maple hopes these 2 people, deep and low from the language way.
Suddenly, his look in the eyes is getting more stagnate, those two put on the weak, the figure of some ricketses , in this a moment, prints to go into his looks in the eyes and print to go into his brain and print into his heart and print go into he can feel of the whole places
"Daddy, mama"
Two go pure tears, since the Luo maple eye midstream came out.
The man has tears not to flip, only because non-arrival sadness
The Luo maple ever doesn't know current affairs, don't smell the firewood rice oil salt expensive, knows to get to the Internet and plays a game, there is no money, steal from the home.The mother Du is several Rangs, then slam the door but.
Now, he crosses back, that remembers fondly of feeling, he realized and had already deeply realized.If the God give him an opportunity, make him not cross, he rather does one to listen to mother's words and share for home where afraid the good kid bearing a little.
"What's the matter with the father's leg?"
The Luo maple look in the eyes is one Tu, the figure that see that wearing white dress, the lame alignment is public.Still take a load in the hand, flank mother Chan hands.
On two old men face, all engrave full crease, seem is in the proof, the years passes away of trace.Print in the Luo maple eyes, and then let the ache in his heart not already, this not only proves that time passes, is also a proof, after oneself walks, parents' heart livings of how much worry
If worry, how will they be thus old
The white hair color of that temples, clear it is thus clear that.Emaciated body, imitate if left bone.The words that can compare, which afraid is a father, all comparing Yang Yu You has to lose
"Are these your parents?"Yang Yu You lightly clapped to clap Luo maple.
Ordered to nod.
The person of Yang Yu You and bodhi leaks in fine threads surprise towards seeing one eye, in the eye all.Get into small area from the first, they living a doubt for the heart.In their eyes, the Luo maple natural intelligence is thus severe, and can come out the Earth, this kind of one class landscape, again how say, also affirm is a household sons.
And household in, affirm influence biggest, own numerous treasures, just can let the Luo maple own the self-discipline speed of such terror.
But now, see the time of these two olds, they are getting more shocked.They have never thoughted of that is a six class immortal and sovereign parents, will be a farmer, will be even take 600 dollars the poor person that doesn't come out.
Chapter 421 【daddy, mama, the maple son isn't filial! 】
China town in the city, edge destitute small area.
At the moment, after those police come, although the person in the small area is many, but subconscious in, they all have 1 kind to differently fear to the police.
They have no influence, didn't relate to, it was common to is being all some, simple common people.The matter intrigued against each other to those, although don't know,still once heard.
If fight with these police, absolutely have no good fruit to eat.Also get several bottom Jing sticks even, this kind of affair, before also not is have never taken place, oneself still needed to do to get, canned living stuffy air.
"Old Xing, won again how much last night?"That police's headman for a while car, towarded to just scold to make a noise of the that thing industry manager smiles to ask a way.
"Ah ……your this bureau chief don't go, I wanted to lose to die, tonight, must go tonight.These several days, and then want to go to a joss-stick space the lira turns."This person smiled 1 and clapped own big belly and fell to wait the person's eyes at the Luo maple Mom and Dad in, very tired of.
"Your home again not is have no money, and then be laid by by that old woman Niang?"
Once police's headman smile and come close this person's ear, soft-voiced way:"Trust, Hey Hey, today collect the thing industry fee of these guys, our one both the elder brothers half, when the time comes, a few fragrant space liras all enough you eat of."
Person in"Hey Hey, good, good" without restraint of the cachinnation get up.
Clapped to clap this person's shoulder, the headman facial expression of that police became cold, was lookinging at their common people's ways toward those:"You live in the small area, that will hand over a thing industry fee, and this is the ordained in nature matter.You see, doesn't that small area hand over a thing industry fee?Isn't 600 dollars only, handed over at once, in case fall the criminal charges that breaches a public order."
Immediately, those people stood out towards seeing one eye, three elder brothers of Luo maple, voice some shiver, but still past make a courage way:"We at the beginning when here live, all say good of, not collect a thing industry fee, also not want what public security, what manager,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.But they stubbornly find job for for us, now but is to accept money, we don't hand over""to, we don't hand over for a month just 1000 many, will hand over this time 600, what do we still eat?Don't we support family?"The others also follow to match a way.
This is social now, person all the income is an every month 5000 above.Can that BE'person all', be not'everybody'some people, a year 10,000,000, and some people, a year 10,000, calculate down, is also a person all 5000.Can actually be all gone by those rich Zheng.
Be like at these people whom here live, there is no handicraft, there is no knowledge,Beats by Dre Just Beats, capable coolie, stem workplace, even have some, also accept garbage.Money of their Zheng, the roots all not enough flower sells and also talks the thing industry of fart fee.
"This is you at the beginning the contract of label, you see by yourselves, the top is clear to write'help the whole small area thing management', this thing industry fee is an among those items.You are at the beginning just orallies the thing industry promised you, but had no paper noodles to negotiate, what evidence do you have?"The person of that thing industry took out a piece of paper, the top was really the house renting contract of their label at the beginning.
"But ……"
Some languages of these people filling , by this time, wased an old to stand out again:"But we are house rentings of, basically need not hand over a thing industry fee.You want to accept, should seek landlord to accept and take care of us what matter?"
"The house renting is that need not hand over, but that just rented for 23 months.But you were labels contract of, all of you is on renting a decade, this thing industry fee, not you hand over who hand over?"That population spirit is cold, language Duo the Duo is pressing.
"These people, really die" Luo maple eye pupil sons are all ascending to stare out.
He originally still want and see, exactly is a whose not to, see now, very understand in his heart.Being relying on oneself right is clear, squeeze these to be placed in rock-bottom and poor common people of people's rank.
"Polishing off them is" bodhi last person light way.Used to fight in the star sky, they were used to most for this kind of affair of, be directly kill.
The Luo maple sneers at 1 and pulls Yang Yu You to come forward to walk.
Here, by now came together many people, in addition to those brush - offs pay the person of thing industry fee is a police.Is the most, but is some persons who round a view, and let most the public livings to hate bitterly of, is still these people, also all live in this small area.They can hand over money up, the right here joins a crowd for fun now.
Poke aside crowd, the Luo maple and Yang Yu You slowly heads for the place that those common people stay in.
Those people also discovered Luo maple and Yang Yu You, the Luo maples all had no what, but while seeing Yang Yu You, is all eyes a bright, especially those police still have the thing industry the manager and all tightly stare at Yang Yu You's body and up and down float and peep out the long grass of yin desire in the eye.
"Who is he ?"
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