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 The aviation motor is the heart of battleplane is also the link of the our country weakest aircraft industry.Usher in Russia system Su-27 series battleplane several years, the national product turns a rate already 94%.A big part in 6% of that rest is to spray a motor in the Wo in.However our country of engineering technical personnel after unremitting effort, finally started surgical operation to this heart.Today will examine the achievement of this"surgical operation".
Experiment on the stage to lie one in the motor set Su-the AL-31 F turbine fan of 27 battleplanes motor, will soon carry on quiet burden run-in.Today enhances to protect measure and comes to watch of deluxe chief air force the commander member connect a Qi star the full general and section Wei director, Lin Xi, put etc., make the staff member know this anything but have already for many times once experimented of common AL-31 Fs.
"10, 9, 8, …" counts down to count a voice and lets the whole field calm down down a while, someone looking at the big monitor on the wall, and someone looking at a gauge monitor.Total designer Yin gold voice the empress department that then quietly stare at a motor.
Finally spread"…, 1, start!"Start electrical engineering to switch on electricity an operation, then the motor lights fire and immediately jets an intensely hot flame.Strong jet voice, even if acrossed a pair of layers glasses to also stream into supervision room.Soon gauge the surveillance personnel before the dish discovered it's different:
-The power that starts electrical engineering compares much usually big, more strange is a motor operation don't stop a work behind as usual.
-Although have never taken generator to wrap, but generate electricity quantity compare usually and greatly get much.
-Measure Wen Yi to show the exhaust temperature is low 40-50 ℃ , and very stable.The temperature field shows that the great difference almost became an even one park slice usually.
The Yin that has been looking at tail to spray to flow always peeped out smiling face from starting to open to add dint, always disappeared a little black smoke and explained that the combustion is extremely full.This soldier representative D a big school also observed from another angle, the fuel discharge is to point in 76%ly engraving a degree while being to push dint to attain 122,000 Newtons to design value.Soon push dint under the sistuation that don't open to add dint until 135,000 Newtons up, the work condition of the motor is completely normal.Exactly increased to 10%ly push dint!Supervise and control someone in the room to shout.
D a discharge that see fuel at this time also just 83%.At this time, sees a control personnel walk to the Yin to whisper severals in the total side, the Yin always ordered to nod.Hence he said with each chief severals again, the D was a have already known and carried on the most important of experiment item,beats dr dre, with chief together walk to the glass before the wall.Soon, suddenly everyone sees the tail spray to flow to change a direction, and along with the control personnel's operation, the tail sprays to flow to continuously change a direction.Connected the Qi star commander member to take the lead to summon up Zhang, supervised and controled indoor one war whoop.The Chinese carried out TVC according to the strength depending on oneself-push a dint vector control.
The board room is full of exultant atmosphere.Connect the Qi star commander member to excitedly raise cup, always wait the engineering congratulation way of technical personnel to the Yin:"I with tea generation wine, respect each one cup, you strengthened wing for air force."
Yin always to attend meeting to introduce the new technique of the adoption of this set II WS-12:"We is two new techniques that launched to adopt to develop by oneself on board at the this set Wo.Come over the technique transplantation that the Ci fluid generates electricity, obtained success.We joined a kind of additive in the fuel, heat combustion after formed a great deal of etc. ion air, spray the electrode of tube in the tail up, wait ion body to send out strong electric power, not only generate electricity quantity to come to an anticipant index sign, be good enough to supply the microwave combustion-supporting system to shut down with start electrical engineering not need of amount of electricity.Because the IIs WS-12s also pack in the Jian of list hair-10 battleplanes up, it is count for much to start electrical engineering to often turn, canning promise can't take place air parking.
"The microwave combustion-supporting system also obtained complete success, this was a technique that uses on the chemical industry, a kind of microwave of particular wave-length can accelerate a certain chemical reaction, and we found out this wave-length and a kind of additive and consumedly accelerated the burnable process of motor combustion room.The fuel flows in the supersonic speed field in is being very difficult is well burnable, descended us to attain in the function of the microwave and the additive full combustion, not only economized fuel, but also make the temperature of burning the room export flow a field very even, according to reckoning, send out to equally push dint, turbine of entered the tallest temperature of spirit to decline to°from 1392 degrees 1350 degrees, this was very beneficial to turbine blade, and while doing not raise the premise that the turbine enters an air temperature degree, pushing the dint can increase 10%.Fuel of economical reach to 24%.The first step measures calculate, Su-27 distances will increase to°from 4000 kilometers 5200 kilometers and fight radius to increase to°from 1500 kilometers more than 2100 kilometers.This is much improvement!"
Attend meeting to all feel fig up.
"Generate electricity to equip for Ci fluid and microwave the combustion-supporting system use of the fuel additive is settled, all good to the parts and the environment influence.Gold battery dragon's therein hasing very your work is used, it not only can provide strong electric power, what to apply is its to extremely stabilize electric voltage here, this to control the microwave wave-length is very important.
"Etc. that the fuel additive forms under the heat ion body doesn't absorb it because of the porcelain and ceramics turbine and spray to take care of the magnetic field on all sides to deflect device in the tail can control a deflecting of the etc. ion current of air in the gas direction, the attaching of current of air wall effect is in addition strong to deflect dint.Carried out electromagnetism TVC-push a dint vector control, biggest deflect Cape to reach to 7 °, although away below S-37'gold vulture'of the pushing of motors AL-41ses dint vector spray to take care of 15 °, our system is have no the machine exercise parts, respond to speed is more consumedly high than to push dint vector to spray a tube;And Russia pushes dint vector to spray tube to symmetrily and up and down deflect, this increases flexibility, isn't likely to replace a tail wing.But our electromagnetism controls' spraying to flow is whole directionses to deflect, for aftertime cancel a tail wing to beat next foundation.Certainly our system weight, cost and support a fee low get many, but credibility Gao De Duo."
"First step of experiment report show that the improvement of IIs WS-12s is successful, our research achievements successfully convert into new fighting strength.The person who originally has is worried that we controled Su-the production technique of 27 serieses, they are to fall behind of.We had innovation while digesting and ushering in a technique, significantly raised the function that the national product turns battleplane and also prolonged their technique life span now."
Report according to the test, always the material department decision immediately reforms the production line of SMs AL-31s and AL-41 F motors.The motor that has already packed last airplane, when the motor greatly fix from now on carry on a reformation.From now on no longer purchase the vector of the motor of AL-41 F to push dint to spray to take care of a product.Want to study Su with all strength-30 control vectors push the calculator procedure of dint and push our own vector a dint control the procedure integrate a lord calculator the system go and form an independent number type electronics comprehensive controller.
These two functions of motors Be significant to raise, also raised to install their Jian-10 IIses completely, the Jian bombed-the function with 7 AIIs.
To domestic of the Wo spray-13 AIIs and Wo spray-the reformation of 13 F motor be more thoroughly entering the last class of annoying the compressor to increase to establish spray cooling device, not only increased to compress ratio, but also at burnable the steam in room strongly absorb microwave and strengthened combustion-supporting effect;Enlarged microwave power;Reformed the structure of the burnable room, under the motor total length constant circumstance, shortenned burnable room length, increased tail to spray to take care of length, although the temperature is lower than the WS-12's before the turbine many, the Ci fluid generates electricity quantity still very considerable, the electromagnetism vector pushes the angle that the dint changes direction to also keep 7 degrees.Combined to develop comprehensive electronics controller.The Wo after reforming sprays-13 M motor, pushed dint to increase 11%, the stanza oil effect reached to 27%.The reformation that equips together with the power supply, the whole power system eased weight and narrowed a physical volume.Jian-7, Jian-8 functions can be significant to raise.
Uniting the target of the next move of design set is to cancel turbine, directly drive a double to turn son to press to annoy machine by electric motor, at burn direct jet in room to add Related articles:

