
dr dre beats rprised sky of of Nu

Does the Yao come out to come?"
Keep clear intelligence report according to the farmland, 17 teachers at least fore the line threw in 90 infantries to connect a brigade and stayed to guard troops at most only 20 infantries connect brigade, how can have 80 connect brigade?Can the farmland keep clear arrive the front line saw a time of condition of the enemy, Liu Jing Xiao's troops extremely was impossibly lower than 40.
Liu Jing Xiao stays to guard the troops of the south of Lu really only 40 infantries connect brigade, but in order to capturing lineal of a great deal of ammunition, Liu Jing Xiao hence issue order to receive settle the country be responsible for a set to set up 20 brigades belongs to artillery connect, Liu Jing Xiao at the beginning once had the allocution of "rather call the person wait a material, can not call material to wait a person", so receive settle country artillery the regiment have been super plait of, fast namely take out to adjust framework and repair into in great quantities new soldier's team sets up 20 artilleries connect brigade, just train a momentary hard completion, so is simply the south staying at the Lu to continue to train.
Now these 20 artilleries connect change the job into the infantry and connect at the time, and take a part material and take train and go down south and prepare and keep a soldier and open hostilities at any time, moreover 20 infantries connect the brigade is Liu Jing Xiao momentary mobilize from each county, in addition to staff outside whole is the new soldier who just is subjected to through a week and trains, staff also very new, because one large numbers of ammunition that last time lend president Ping Da Dun, the weapon is enough, needs and gives out a soldier and packs then, unique make Liu Jing Xiao have a little satisfied is a company commander basic is a side soldier and certainly come out.
Just 80 uneven infantries connect the brigade dust back farmland Du, the farmland Du is kind to try to find solution, the vegetable lacks to make firm decision of courage, end parties the person come to Liu Jing Xiao's negotiation:"Last time time frontier ascend some small misunderstanding, also please forgive ……"
In addition the farmland kept to invite righteousness elder brother, Wang Bin Cheng, of the Zhuo of over Yan jade again clearly to beat telegram intermediation, Wang Bin Cheng beats away three telegrams to let both parties immediately cease fire, the private bottom beat telegram to Liu Jing Xiao again:"Generation I the salute jade younger sister Zhuo's son ……the farmland keep clearly too not battle righteousness, brother-in-law this time chivalrous act enjoys my heart and hands over a person to stay a horse!"
Small misunderstanding?Originally both parties are being where visiting mountain to play on fully 200 troopses that connect a brigade of frontier is aqueous, very very very good!Liu Jing Xiao also really does one the honor, parties person message of reply way:"Front segment time the expensive department ride a soldier's mistake to go into my territory and render unto now ……"
Right away render unto to keep a soldier from Rui following more than 900 personses Chen, just destrier, weapon, pack to have to all take away, at the right moment D rather this get quite good, Liu Jing Xiao's charter rides a large unit to expand to 12 to ride a soldier connect, is lacking these east east, certainly, the bear section chief also privately did some works this period.
"The honesty gives an account that is frank from the breadth, resist from strict!"
"What is surname,dr dre beats?"
"Xing Xiong?I was also a bear, we were same villages!Come to come!"
"Call what?"
"Hey?We of the name is very close by!Like!"
"Where person?"
"Really?We were same villages, I was to protect to settle a person!Since is a same village, I make them specially privilege for a while!"
"Does the marriage deny?"
"Is single?Brothers, is all hard luck person!Is quick 30 haven't married a daughter-in-law!"
"Bear eldest brother, sufficient sense of honor ……toast!"
"Brothers, the eldest brother also has a little a difficult affair now, just not start to talk!"
Be called a brotherly person to toward a section chief's your book tongue of bear to say:"Have what matter tube to say!"
" This small matter?Trust good, the whole pack of on me!"
"Is there so much money?That is really the thanks bear eldest brother!"
Several worlds come, the destrier statisticses a section to develop to sit to explore several people in the captive and deploy very easy completion guerdon but very big intelligence report collections to work respectively ten several, the bear section chief on the other hand wants to verify the credibility of intelligence report source, on the other hand is also lure the intelligence people is in the trap that insensibly falls into him and finally be placed in can not from pull out of situation.
Song Fu.The bitterness of Long Gong Wen wears the face say to the Hong Bin:"How much do you still have to ride a soldier?"
The Hong Bin is just serious to be said by ground:"A regiment, 4 rides a soldier Dalian!"
Long Gong Wen doesn't believe this set of, he scolds a way:"You are this guy, on this set of body that doesn't want to fool me!Eat vacancy to drink soldier's blood, you aren't equal to I!At present is when, don't play trick the prospect of troops ……"
Hong Bin this just honestly said true words:"4 even lost brigades the greater half person's horse, now whole regimentses' adding is also more than 400 persons' horse ……"
Long Gong Wen just backs song Fu and just discovers that the circumstance is really far from good after originally preparing to return to song Fu to seek Hong Bin to calculate Zhang.
The song Fu establishes Long Wen Mei the rear of the second teacher soldier station and some rear troopses, Long Gong Wen brings back and comes to 67100 people, and the public security troops of song Fu, add altogether also however more than 3,000 persons, luckily the ring of encirclement of 17 teachers isn't strict actually, escape and return to more than 1,000 stray troopses, Long Gong Wen hurriedly accepts and permits, and by this time the riding of Hong Bin soldier became the rice straw of Helping of Long Gong Wen.
However is to can hardly firmly stand by song Fu with this troops, Long Gong Wen in accordance with the Hong Bin ask for giving up song Fu to send back Yan state to say again, Chen Ying and Long Wen Mei of the Yan state also means complete approval to this, can only cherish Wang Du suddenly astute, he issues order a way:"The song Fu can not guard, the song Fu can not lose ……"
This order is really too astute, Long Wen Mei and Chen Ying fully saw half for hour, simply didn't understand this meanings in it, again instruct Wang Du, Wang Du is still these ten words the speech really make to answer and again and again instruct, Wang Du finally finally reveals this key:"Please appear publicly ……"
Ever since bore old two foundation the scholar learned cheat to eat to cheat to drink, Shandong Xing Kong, Yan and Meng's person is to walk the Hong carry, the in the past dynasties in the past establishes three mansions, namely sage mansion, second saint mansion, reply a saint mansion, peacetime not only need not hand over emperor's food, and meet stanza observe a festival old son of emperor still often liberal recompense some kind of, naturally occupy goodly innumerable, at ordinary times part call"the sage says ……" simultaneously buy cheap good farm and Huang Hua Da Dun's virgin.
The song Fu sage mansion has much of latent force in Shandong and occupies huge good farm 12,000 acres in the song Fu, Si water and Zou county, therefore Long Gong Wen and Hong Bin ask old headman of an a heap of to arrive 17 teacher this place:"The sage says that and for expensive …… invite both parties war speech with …… again say, once this warfare open, unavoidably will influence Yan saint Mr. mansion, that is all first wise saint vestige everywhere ……"
Just there is really too little the person of cultural accomplishment in 17 teachers, the Xiao,such as wave, sends to walk this old man that helps the Si cultured text to say:"Complete nonsense sage ……Lao Tze open to know song Fu!The dozen doesn't open song Fu, Lao Tze several myriad people must drink northwest breeze ……"
Chen Ce says:"The sage mansion has what is the son fantastic?The second saint mansion isn't cured by the teacher very loving and obedient!"
The second saint mansion cures the next Zou county at Liu Jing Xiao, there is ten thousand acres of good farm, the influence is very big, there is also armed oneself's one, although Liu Jing Xiao to personage in the place, which permit own site like this strong ground of head snake, right away and in every possible way pick trouble.
You have to pick trouble, these noble family greatly trip which not just everywhere all hairiness disease, just a day, Liu Jing Xiao picked trouble, the second saint sons is really bad ……
"The beginning night power" bad habit that originally and here still exists ancient times and looses and stays, when the tenant rents a kind of land in advance speak that the daughter of clear tenant grows up an adult and is broken a body by the place and otherwise prohibits and gets married, this second saint mansion sons really realizes first a person and says 1 set to do a set of essence, just so-called"still had the Emperor in week at that time, He Shi said that the Wei is together in succession", loosed breeze to enjoy to this kind of ancient.
Liu Jing Xiao suddenly delivered surprised sky of of Nu, the parties soldier at a stretch accepted the guns of second mansion mansion all, from the second saint mansion grasp No.6710 person, also let out information to say to concuss an even second saint mansion, momentary the whole country vibrate, afterwards everyone's son just know this teacher is the lewd person of , you second saint mansion this be not with Liu Jing Xiao clearly wear rob a woman?
Liu Jing Xiao's wrath hurtles a sky and seem to allow who also can not hold up against, the second saint mansion starts a hard crest also wear, those are broken the woman of body to run to the second saint mansion to say a reason.
Want to rush through?This helps village Fu to badly wear and start to scold a person to allow what hero the persons must far escape but escape, and clear eye persons after all seeing this to behind have teacher at incite and eat in the second saint mansion to sleep in the second saint mansion, they come to every day Related articles:

