
dr dre beats s original prestige

Still don't forget Zhao Yun,dr dre beats, therefore isn't also an opponent for flying.But after Qin Yong block Zhang Fei bottom, Zhao Yun didn't leave, he tooks a look Yuan in the line of distance, on grinding teeth, clap horse to go a Yuan direction to hurtle.Zhang Fei storms shot Qin Yong Ji to return to body to loudly orderany non-commissioned officer to be round and round to surround Zhao Yun after recruiting and impede him to go forward.Zhao Yun how be willing to to these in former days of the cutthroat in companion, face their to lay siege to, resists, don't return shot, therefore, however is 100, on the body already many places get hurt.Like in his original prestige still just, although these non-commissioned officers be unaware of the truth, also would not like to to he next cutthroat, consequently just the sorrow of the asexuality life.
Zhang Fei has already forced Qin Yong at this time signs of danger appearing everywhere, follow behind Qin Yong's 18 waiter eyes to depends on not to, half people blunt the military advance private's wreath round turn in pull Zhao Yun's turn-over, half the person stop Zhang Fei and give relief to Qin Yong.In the one confused conflict of, go Yuan to there also seethe, whence run a group of personses' horse again, is the "pass" of the capital letter on the flag word.Be belonged to next save back of Qin Yong Yi see, feeling the important event is far from good, Zhang Fei cans not stands and comes to a pass feather again, can not even resist.Therefore, he the desperation ground hurtle into a ring of encirclement, the Ye lives Zhao Yun's Di to carry toward an outside to take.Zhao Yun is strongly pulled and dragged by him under, also had to give up a blunt past plan, returned to hope a pass at first the flag of the feather stunned.
Just at this time, their back also spreads to fight the voice that the horse dashes about, the distance dust floats in the sky, have battalion will arrive.Piece the waiter that flies a pike to kill one to intercept him hurtles to Zhao Yun and Qin Yong's in front sting:"Dare to also say to isn't a Pan minister, take the troops whom the Cao hold to all come over.You die!"
The Qin Yong dead dead stacked firmly this pike and roared loud to Zhao Yun:"Does not the big Ye still walk?"
Zhao Yun returns to body to see, and then sees a front, a grind teeth to come forward to pick to open to fly of pike head:"Three generals must kill me, I also have nothing to say.The Cao soldier isn't what I bring, your letter doesn't believe me the doesn't matter was also.Qin Yong, you return to, tell like son, say her good heart of my I am sorry."
Don't wait Qin Yong to speak words, the piece flew in the sneer, a pike sting comes over, Zhao Yun really doesn't do any resist, once the eye shut and free to long the pike sting entered body.Zhang Fei didn't thought of that he really doesn't do to resist as well, "three younger brothers stop."One roars loud to also spread when the Zhang Fei long pike stabs, closed feather to arrive to and saw the form frighteneding and quickly making a noise to obstruct.The piece flies a surprised under, long pike quickly recall, as a result sting enter Zhao Yun's body not deep, even if so, the blood also quickly soaked through Zhao Yun's silver Kui.
Zhao Yun slowly opens a pair of eyes and looking at to close a feather despair way:"Are two generals to receive order to take cloud life?You start, cloud doesn't have no beg, invites you to pass Qin Yong.They just not trust my heel come of, isn't your enemy."
Close feather to hang long-handled sword saddle once up, the hands embrace a boxing:"Three younger brothers are always reckless, son dragon you are also clear.Unfortunately I came to night one step, make the son dragon get hurt."
Zhao Yun smells speech exultation:"Say so come, is lord Mr. to let two generals of?Do I probably see main Mr.?"
Close feather to shake head:"I really is receive the life of eldest brother since then.But the eldest brother makes me turn to tell a son dragon, he has already been allowing to all swear, the this present life can not let son dragon you mutually with, also invite you understanding and he.As for Liu opens up of dead, the eldest brother has already investigated understand, he is should be sent by the eldest brother to greet an uncle to theirs, this person the public wealth and properties seeing attendant has bad heart rather many, therefore did such kind of immoral conduct, but and son dragon you are irrelevant.However, this matter is afraid to be not so simple either, Liu Pi leaves for the this period of time of eldest brother, whether went and lived with someone, be thus obeyed orders to a person to do this matter, also worth probe.Is alas, the son dragon unintentionally killed him, afraid is also that the heaven's will was difficult to measure."
If Zhao Yun finishes listenning to close feather, the hope moment originally having been already set alight becomes despair again, he slowly releases the hand that the Wu wears wound, sad a smile:"See, lord male is really don't I.Does lord Mr. still have what rubbish?"
Close feather to nod:"Have.Eldest brother says that ask a son dragon sees on the former personal relationship, hereafter meet, show leniency for three centses.However, you cant not bear to start to three younger brothers, the feather also understood your intention.However the fact is heartless, you still keep leaving!The uncle goes to life if can protect, you also take him, some affairs, alas!"
The clop of distance is clear to smell, Yuan in the line of emperor also started on journey and closed feather to deeply see one Zhao Yun in the eye despair and returned to body hello piece to fly to went Yuan square to back to pass by.Zhao Yun foolishly looking at them to far go and connected some reactions to all have no.On the Qin Yong regardless of body of distress, urgently come forward to call him, but see Zhao Yun's corner of mouth to overflow a wisp of blood, the person slowly falls flop a horse and closes to at Qin Yong so much and quickly answers the body that he falls.
Follow behind Qin Yong since then of in the battle that simultaneously pours, 18 people died fully 12 people and didn't already let my sorrow.At that time, Qin Yong once called still many on the hoof waiters, forward come of the troops and horses faced to pass by.This brigade person's horse but is a Cao Ren to get a soldier.He after often receiving my letter with, time concern Liu Bei their trend, fully wait the person's activity to can be said to be clear to Liu, but throw rat to hate a machine because of the reason of the emperor, don't dare to act rashly as well, just far and far tailgate surveillance.Suddenly peeped a this place trouble, the Cao Ren isn't clear so, also think that Hun water touches fish, therefore urgently took a soldier to rush through to come over, unintentionally connect next Zhao Yun.Is positive because their careful, have never given Liu fully waits the slightest the opportunity sneak attack Jing state, therefore, Liu Bei had to once round from the Fan city, to Ba Jun but go.
Drive the Cao Ren receive Xiang sun city inside after, Zhao Yun has been being placed in silly foolish status, he can not wide awoke from the so deep stroke, till several days after Cao Ren's bringing him me be jailed, the life may not protect of news.Zhao Yun hears this news and harm don't keep as well, regardless of Qin bravely obstructs and all through the night goes up north and speds all the way, can say is blunt return to Luo sun.
To the back of the Luo sun, Zhao Yun Er's words didn't say and went straight to Wei Wang Fu whom the Cao holds, use oneself's life to change my life.He how can anyone know, the Cao Ren tells his news design that is Guo Jia and Cao to hold and uses the affair that I am jailed to lead what he come back.So, he first, , the Cao holds past make to risk danger, flank Guo Jia wait a person connect coax to take to cheat, make Zhao Yun helpless, have to promise to take office to advertise for north general, just saved out from the jail I thus.

Chapter 228 true facts(3)

The Ru that speaks along with Qin Yong south affairs, I also silly eye, although have certain mental state preparation, I am been shocked by this matter.Did Dong Cheng die like this?About 300 people ah, they can also next must go to a hand.Is a Cao to hold, kill these people, must also have scruples about 12:"Qin Yong, as you say, this matter can Be getting bigger.Liu Bei always glorifies by kind and justice, not and greatly may direct Liu Pi to do this to wait ill news?"
"Cough, childe, your heart is kind, the other people are uncertain.You once said for me, these people of Dong Cheng would fully take to go to not small trouble for Liu, don't say that Liu fully waits steady after settling down, currently their circumstances, Dong Cheng etc. by all means has certain conflict with him or, these 300 people already become his tail greatly don't drop of burden.Moreover, I think, Liu Bei may also absorb the precept of Jing state abscondence, and the thus malicious bottom heart came."
Qin Yong's analysis is very last, can I still can not believe this matter:"This is the circumstance that the waiters say, Chen Dao is the party concerned, don't he really peep out a half sentence?"
"General Chen is to completely shut up not to lift, once we say Liu Pi, and he turns a head to ignore us right away.But, I cautiously observed, be I bring up Liu have of time, general Chen's facial expression abnormality painful, he shows unintentionally despair that tears to pieces a sort.If isn't the despair that has to send out from the in the mind to Liu, he can't so."
I silently, he says of this kind of feels I once experienced and was when I face Xun 彧 to my betrayal my in the mind is such a pain and sufferings that tore a heart crack lung sort.See, Liu Pi does this kind of ill news, Liu Bei secretly directs of possibility very of big.Nevertheless, I still keep running to seek Chen Dao and face my inquiry, Chen to shut eyes, refuse a words, I am also getting more helpless.
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