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"Where different!Sun shines everywhere earth, similar have the place to could not shine on.What central leadership takes care of is the affair on the macro view, where can hear me thus the battle cry voice of the small potato?That evil woman is my noodles to swear, let the love that I can not get a whichever man, say, which man dare to close to me.Let which man unfortunate, make the men all leave me far and far, let me can not find during a lifetime to presume to love my man.I ground classmate gold preeminence, be because relationship with me good, the result is beaten paralyze in the bed, thoroughly a boy, lifetime to ruin ……"
The Hong text text sobs to say:"Am I a comet?Gold preeminence drive I to bring trouble, his mother came to beat me and scolded me.The saying me am a mean person, brought trouble her son, even mama Die all ability gram the shameless woman of the dead.But …I recruit who ask for who I!I just don't like that classmate, his mama with what humiliate so a person!"
Feel nearby the man's embrace, the Hong text text weeps aloud:"Blare, I is at can't, want to die, fear that the father mother also follows and wants to live again.Is on the hoof to have what mean?See the hand that another girl Wan wears boyfriend.So of happiness, I but can strike and kick towards making track for my own boy.In case brought trouble them.The father mother was also brought trouble by me, even had no works, made two of him to other parts of country do a part-time job, be provided for me to go to school.I, my very anxious to I is a boy, can't have thus ground annoyance!"
Qin Shou livings a bitterness to say with smile:"The man has the man's annoyance, the woman has chemisette sad affair.Text text, follows me, I come to protect you, make anyone not humiliate you and hurt you."
"You don't love me again, I don't want to bring trouble you, also need not you sympathize with."
"I like you, is it also not enough?"
"The person whom you like is getting tooer many, blare, I just not appropriate two milks!"
The Hong text text cries enough and wipe red eyes, talk quietly:"Qin Shou livings, you lend me to order money."
"How much?Need not borrow, you take useful go."
"It isn't good."Hong Wen Wen wants to don't think and then refused, " Qin Shou livings, I ain't you what person, can not use your money.I am true can't, otherwise, I can't borrow° from you mone.After, I will think a way to return yours.Really still don't have, I then mortgage oneself to you."
Looking at this even if be snuffed out, also supercilious must lower the head to himself or herself like the princess' girl, Qin Shou is born to sigh in the heart, know this girl is meet true solution not ground problem, just can speak the words of taking body liquidation oneself.
"Not be saying, Hong text text, although I am a small rascal in the your eyes, the principle of some necessities I am still certain.Need how much , you say.As long as I give you to have."
"He wants to do surgical operation, is the surgical operation that changes a kidney.His home has no money, can looking at him to die.I want to donate own kidney to him, can be unsuited to proper.I can't raise money, even if is to be a young lady, can not raise all of a sudden these money is either.Qin Shou livings, you lend to my money, greatly not I give° I you and is all right?"
"Leave, what all naturally, have 3,000,000 in this deposit book, you take first useful, not enough come to seek me again.Need not decline, Hong text text, you can have feeling to contain righteousness like this, I ain't a cold-blooded animal either.At the right moment I have this ability, don't help you, I ain't a men."
"You want me, now take go to."
Looking at a text without the Hong text of the pleasures of life, Qin Shou livinged to depressedly say:"You if resist, An on the contrary now ascend you, be like you so an on every occasion of, An just have no interest!The An still likes that on leaping the Hong text of old Gao text, isn't Wen Wen graceful and restrainedly daughter of middle-class family."
"Abnormal condition!"The Hong text text ground the face is a bit red, in a soft voice scolded Qin Shou to living 1.
"Leave, text text, the life is so helpless, similar to the weather, there is Yin being fine.In childhood, I was all humiliated not to want to live, isn't lively and well now?Release heart, at hope city, she could have no in the strength for Peking.Really don't go, we can also run to the abroad?Walk, two of us sing to go, your vitalities all to sing."
The woman self-renewaling always makes people respect and admire.Qin Shou livings, even if she is sometimes weak of heart in also only esteem highly, no longer has the mental state that the Xie plays.

The text chapter 241 peels off the jacket of movie star dignity
Renew time:2009-6-911:17:15 chapter word numbers:9014

Recently, the person of show biz would like to talk most of is gold Fan Yu and long living the affair of the lawsuit of company.
Both parties scold a war to as soon as publish on some amusement newspaper and brought about controversy more:Said a gold Fan Yu is livinged by Qin Shou to sleep, finish sleeping have never given money, two talented persons turn over facial;Said that Qin Shou gives birth to Suo love not to become and becomes angry from embarrassment, it just doesn't let gold Fan Yu clap advertised;Said a gold Fan Yu plays popular, the result somebody else ignores her and just make to turn over of …..In great abundance,www.beats4monster.co.uk, the none is same.
No matter gold Fan Yu is how of great anger, how scold Qin Shou to living is a bumpkin, anyway she re- became the target that the other people pay attention to again and had already climbed upward again from the track rowing ascent.
"Does my nothing important say so much?I feel that a man who can revile scornfully to the woman, a man who has no gentleman poise isn't worth my evaluating he, he also doesn't match me to evaluate him."
The gold been rounded by the reporter Fan Yu, Gao Gao is in the last carriage, basically the despise and Qin Shou livings to place on equal footing.
"Ms. Jin hears the reason that you living to make to turn over with Qin Shou, because you don't respect age old actor and always reprimand angrily to them and just lead is the man who has no gentleman poise great anger, kick out you, true?"
"What do you say?"Gold Fan Yu's face was getting reder at that time, there was the evidence to suddenly and violently walked.
"Everybody everybody, the travel weariness from overwork of Ms. Jin, already very weariness, everyone a little bit the humanitarianism isn't very good, let Ms. Jin take a break, we will at appropriate of time convene a news conference, announce the rights of the cases all.""What!Do you want me to see him?"Gold Fan Yu stares big eyes, don't dare to believe ground to ask the broker Chen Xu, " you say what, play a drama?Why?"
"Grandmother Gu don't yell!"Chen Xu Ku wears a face to say, " I isn't this be good for you?As long as everyone cheap trick to play good, two contracts of this advertisement was a hand, you can lend this opportunity to make own fame again …"
"What's the matter with my fame?Isn't my fame good?Still don't all not blame you!Always want to stir-fry to make.I thoroughly fame to make smelly!"
"Like to resent me well and all, all resent me, go."Chen Xu puts a hand and does to surrender a form."Grandmother Gu, money ratio earning this year was little last year how much, you should know.Your age also was getting older, canned not was like 78 timesed again always lost temper.You the transformed."
"Transform?"Have been appearing by pure pretty girl image ground the gold is in front of outsider Fan Yu.Really connect to can not stand broker ground this time words."Transform.My ability what!"
"It is mature.Become a woman from a girl."Chen Xu is suddenly excited.Dance and stamp ground to say."I give you arrangement good.Ask for help of this ground of medium concern opportune moment.Overturn your geography elephant completely.From pass by ground a little girl become a maturely woman.From now on.You have to have boyfriend.But be not in the past that kind of the half hid half Yan ground ambiguous relation.You still need to fall overboard for to make a public-spirited activity.Show people you a mature and responsiblely woman's ground appear.Now.Conquer that animals beginning from you."
"Conquer that animals?"Gold Fan Yu repeatedly shakes head."Do not go or not.I see him.Feel disgusted.Want to take out him.You still change a person."
"The mature woman can have no so intractablely.If performance ground time.You dislike a certain actor.Will be on bed terms him to kiss?"Discovering Fan Yu of gold hasn't thought.Chen Xu Related articles:

