
Beats by Dr Dre studio kly a green light

The firm expression ,he knows Kong Yu ,once the decision is final ,know oneself be whatever I say is of no use ,so can only be sighed not retreated aside ,look at the Kong Yu magic ,summoning six Fanlun .
relationresult , relationresultThe 199th chapter reincarnation of the force , relationresultBecauseKong Yu Bai Suzhen has such a spoony man sympathy ,which Kong Yu eventually decided to help Bai Suzhen to lift on the ban, but Bai Suzhen of this prohibition is really too much, while Kong Yu was also the first to play summons six Fanlun spell ,so some lack of confidence .
relationresultA deep breath,Beats by Dr Dre studio,Kong Yu himself will be feeling precipitation over ,then the move, hidden in the cave .Among all the day mumbo jumbo streamers, and handed Lu Ping et al five mumbo jumbo streamers are in a flash appeared in Kong Yu around, around Kong Yu ,waiting for Kong Yu command .
relationresultKong Yu lookedtoward the opposite Bai Suzhen ,Bai Suzhen nodded ,and Bai Suzhen is also knowing lifted against risk ,and also to Kong Yu nodded ,and then said , do not force ,if I had no other way will give up ,I do not want to because I thing ,let you hurt .
, relationresultListen tothe words of Bai Suzhen ,Kong Yu did not say anything ,although it was dangerous ,but Kong Yu knew he was not dead after all ,after so many times and after the war he could survive ,Kong Yu is aware of his most dangerous time ,will be a miracle .
relationresultKong Yu usedthe control rod is twelve day mumbo jumbo streamers, will this day mumbo jumbo Pennant suspension to the top of Bai Suzhen ,then saw the twelve bar all day mumbo jumbo Pennant two two are arranged together ,and mutual winding with spin ,speed is more and more quick ,turned out to be turned into a group of six black ,suspension in Bai Suzhen .
relationresultAt this time,Kong Yu is constantly played a mysterious handprints ,a green light from between the hands of Kong Yu injection ,to Bai Suzhen head on the six regiment and the six regiment of black ,black fused together ,with Kong Yu injection of this road light ,the six regiment of black light which has passed a sound of rumbling thunder sound ,then a snake electro-optic is started in the six regiment of black all up .
relationresultWitha bright light that flashes ,a huge power is from the six regiment of black light radiating ,such a huge power makes Shi potian ,Kong Ming and stone dream et al are felt enormous pressure ,the body can receding ,and in the six group of the Bai Suzhen under a black light it is pale ,under great pressure .
relationresultWhileat this time ,a ghost appears in Bai Suzhen and with the boundless power more and more powerful ,the virtual image is gradually clear up .This is a circular shadow ,and the shadow is also divided into six regions ,each region is flashing different light ,with a very small light shuttling back and forth in the above .
relationresultSee thisvirtual shadow ,Kong Yu face dignified look finally is easy ,while Kong Yu skill has consumed the most, are also on the faces of a drop beads of sweat ,but finally is the six Fanlun calls out ,although only a shadow ,but this was Kong Yu it can maximum limit .
relationresultOriginallythe six Fanlun is in the hands of twelve ancestor witch ,and require twelve progenitor the common strength to be able to control ,but by twelve the ancestor witch summoning natural not ghost ,but the real six Fanlun ,so six Fanlun can play is the most powerful .
relationresultBut the twelveancestor witch would fall from the sky ,six Fanlun is no man can call out ,Kong Yu only by virtue of the twelve rods are the day mumbo jumbo streamers in aggregation of the twelve ancestor witch spirit with their own brand ,ability plus twelve progenitor the atmosphere ,it is able to summon a six road Fanlun shadow .
relationresultKong Yu watchedthat exudes a white ,blue ,black ,red ,yellow light and the limelight six Fanlun ,heart breathed a sigh of relief at the same time ,but also more cautious ,because that is the first step ,the next thing to be more dangerous, a careless Kong Yubian is likely to suffer to bite ,so it would not hurt .
relationresultSixFanlun is with the world opened up at the beginning of the crisis appears ,holds the world creatures of reincarnation ,which contains the inexhaustible samsara force ,according to the world of living things karma will world creatures of inhaled human ,nature ,Shura ,animals ,hungry ghosts ,hell road .
The world of creatures ,generation after generation . .relationresultThis is heaven and earthgenerated a congenital Lingbao ,and only the master of hell twelve ancestor witch can handle ,even the endless tricks to control six Fanlun is not possible ,the six Fanlun is so powerful ,and the six Fanlun all power is embodied in this cycle of stress .
relationresultEven though Kong Yu is justcall out six Fanlun a ghost ,but the ghost in the reincarnation of the force nor Kong Yu can resist ,Kong Yu is the only ride with great care ,with six Fanlun reincarnation of attack to suppress the Bai Suzhen really soul soul that Buddha statue ,even if it is not able to killing the Buddha ,is to let the left Bai Suzhen knowledge of sea .
relationresultOnce again,taking a deep breath ,hole jade running body skill ,embody the physical forces ,both hands play hand more quickly, a green light constantly from between the hands of Kong Yu injection ,headed for the six Fanlun shadow ,and the six Fanlun shadow together .
relationresultAlong with Kong Yufingerprints are constantly making ,the six Fanlun ghost from various light constantly become dazzling ,turned out to be suddenly from the six Fanlun shadow from the six colored light ,and this light in six after ejaculation is entangled with each other together ,constantly fusion ,finally it is turned into a somewhat transparent column ,Bai Suzhen will be shrouded in inside .
relationresultThetransparent column is the reincarnation of the force ,the exhausted Kong Yu general skills and strength finally is condensed out of such a cycle of the light beam, Bai Suzhen will be covered in one ,to attack Bai Suzhen knows in the sea to suppress her true soul soul that Buddha statue .
relationresultKong Yu at this timealso some of the collapse, but saw that a reincarnation of the force of the beam is finally setting out ,so Kong Yu is also the heart is some comfort ,now is to see the reincarnation of the force can not be lifting Hai in the body of Bai Suzhen under the ban ,if this samsara force cannot how Fa Hai forbidden words ,so Kong Yu is really no other way .
relationresultAt the time,Kong Yu is also very nervous ,but their physical collapse ,eyes stared at Bai Suzhen ,watched the samsara how force power .relationresult , relationresultThe 200th chapter devils in animal forms , relationresultThe twelveancestor witch in ancient times have hell, known to many spells and refining the soul prohibition ,these are in the Kong Yu received seven ancestor witch Zhenling mark time knew ,but can be prohibitive, nature is a crack restraining method .
For a general prohibition of twelve ancestor witch is naturally have their own break the law ,but in the face of strong prohibition is need have the aid of samsara .relationresultBecause thisreincarnation of the force can make the creatures reborn force ,while in a living reincarnation before, must have been going to the bodies of all the prohibitions are lifted, eliminate all traces of the bodies ,making it a pure soul ,so that it can make its reincarnation . Related articles:

