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Some of Kong Yu, character ,know oneself just does not .relationresultTowards Kong Yuwalked past, Yuqing reality walked side by side think of what to say ,for such a five balanced body of disciples ,he is imperative ,but originally thought that as long as Kong Yu will show identity ,thanks to his door ,but did not think of but broke his things ,and he formidable Kunlun sent too elders ,it is not done to apologize to the person thing ,so that some do not know how to do .
relationresultKong Yu is naturallysaw Yuqing reality to his side came, so is stopped ,no longer practiced .Yuqing reality went to Kong Yu face, looking at Kong Yu but do not know where to start ,this let stand behind the Huaan face is exposed take pleasure in other people .
relationresultDisciple ,just as wrong, but I really want to take you as apprentice .This is the teacher lifelong practice purple house cents tactic ,it is as a stunt called fire tactic and tenrai method ,and it is build Zidane ,both as to your gift ,but very good teacher .
Yuqing reality side toward the said Kong Yu ,palm up, hand appeared three cheats and a bottle of pills .relationresultSeeYu Qing reality took these things ,Huaan fat face began to twitch several times ,he did not think of Yu Qing reality to the receiving holes of jade as a disciple ,had done so much money ,to know Yu Qing real hand in everything out is may let the whole sector caused a bloody .
relationresultKong Yu looked athuman hands Yuqing cheats and pills ,think of themselves this trick retreat it is having a good time .relationresult , relationresultThe fifteenth chapter Purple Palace immortal formula , relationresultAt the beginning of aKong Yu is really because Yuqing real attitude to Yuqing reality is very sick ,but when jade Qing reality show identity ,Kong Yu heart is moved, then retreat once again rejected Yuqing reality ,aim is to be able to live from Yu Qing to get more benefits .
relationresultKong Yu is very clear theirto complete their wish ,only by virtue of their efforts is not .Even their own no matter how hard training, short time is not possible to realize his desire ,so must find powerful backer can ,and China is a good choice ,it is because of this, Kong Yu would allow Huaan reagent ,and now a Kunlun faction which elders Yuqing reality Kong Yu was not spared ,natural .
relationresultAlthoughKong Yu was a snub hole ,but on current situation he was able to know, nature is clearly Kunlun sent have a kind of strength ,as jade Qing reality said, Kunlun faction strength is it sector major sects ,and the large family in the most powerful, and as the Kunlun pie which the elders ,Yuqing real word nature is considerable weight .
relationresultIf we canbuild on this ship, nature is good .Although Kong Yu is not very proficient in traditional code of conduct and the schemes and intrigues ,but in this case is to know how to do .
A rare bird, hole jade understand Yuqing reality and Huaan was to take a fancy to their qualification will think so highly of yourself, so it is natural to seek for their many benefits .
relationresultSeeYu Qing reality handed over the three cheats and that a bottle of pills ,Kong Yu did not hesitate ,hand over ,then the Yuqing reality said , when the master apprentice .
After the three is the cheats and pills quickly into his pocket ,lest Yuqing reality back .relationresultKong Yuis still young ,although know to retreat to come to seek their own more benefits ,but when got so many benefits ,the excitement in heart is not suppressed, directly expressed .
Facing the hole have promised to do so ,his disciples ,and Kong Yu hide cheats and alchemical movements ,Yuqing reality how to do not understand that they are being Kong Yu .relationresultItis played with Yu Qing reality is not angry ,but rather a smile ,what was he to give Kong Yu, despite some twists and turns, but nothing worthy of care ,and Yu Qing reality had a five balanced body disciple, nature is not care about ,and Kong Yu such behavior is also let Yuqing reality is satisfied ,the laughing said to Kong Yu , the good apprentice ,a teacher this trick play beautiful retreat ,a teacher who without you it ,otherwise it was from you got more good stuff .
, relationresultKong YuJian Yuqing live through his means not angry also praised her ,just smiled ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,my heart is relieved ,secretly told myself not so early next time get dizzy with success .
And now, thanks to Yu Qing reality as my teacher ,Kong Yu to realize their wish is more confident .relationresultThe present isto the satisfaction of all ,Huaan is a few words of congratulations go to prepare for the next reagent things .
Although this time reagent is smooth ,but the next time also cannot careless .In order to be able to let China family descendants of the strength to promote faster, Huaan is to rack one .
relationresultAlthoughChina can refine a ready-made panacea to enhance family descendants of the skill ,even the Kunlun sent such a big pie would come to China refining pills .But in the modern society the world spirit extract had very few ,home to China have refined ,but one can ,no world spirit .
There is no way .relationresultBut Huaanlet Kong Yu reagent is extracted from the human diet and elements of the five row ,injected directly into the human body ,in order to increase the positive fine blood gas ,allows practitioners to improve as soon as possible skill ,body cavity through an exit can be reached a priori ,absorption and five rows of vitality .
relationresultWhile the humandiet is very rich ,this time bore jade reagent is very smooth ,which makes Huaan hope .But Huaan also understand that this is Kong Yu special ,as in other people have no effect ,he needs to study ,so there is no delay ,it is to study the to .
relationresultYuqingreality received Kong Yu as a disciple ,nature also is very happy ,then pulled Kong Yu some unable to hold oneself back to impart hole jade Kunlun pie town sent an immortal head purple palace .
This is the Kunlun sent since ancient times have passed down immortal formula ,every Kunlun sent his disciples are practicing qigong .relationresultAlthoughKong Yu is home to descendants of hole ,but Huaan said that Kong Yu is in China home encounter ,Yuqing reality for Kong Yu and feel miserable, and Yu Qing reality is also not afraid Kong Yu is home hole pieces ,if really what had happened, he will naturally hand cleaning house .
relationresultWillKong Yu aside ,Yuqing reality is unable to hold oneself back to impart a hole Yuzi house cents tactic ,but Kong Yu is opposite Yu Qing fairy said , master, who has practiced Hao Ran righteousness ,to learn the Purple Palace fairy will never have conflict ? , relationresultYu Qingpeople listening to the words of Kong Yu, will be in the hands of whisk together ,hand through a beard ,laughed in his face, to Kong Yu said , you don disciples ,this ,we send the Purple Palace Kunlun immortal formula but different and general practicing techniques .
The general practicing techniques will only work on meridians and Qi Nishida ,but we Kunlun pie Purple Palace is the true immortal formula stored in the knowledge sea ,to true moisture grow their true spirit, will make the Supreme god .
, relationresultSubsequentYuqing reality make holes through the purple jade to Kong Yu just now house cents tactic ,understand the Purple Palace fairy formulation of beauty .Kong Yu carefully studied ,the more I feel mysterious ,some of these things is not what he could imagine, and the Purple Palace formula can also absorb the world immortal five rows of vitality ,stored in the Purple Palace knowledge sea ,with Hao Ran a little conflict are not healthy . Related articles:

