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Father paused ,but also did not say what ,is still dull looking at the following World War II, did not sell .While teaching ,free and intercept religion are combined together ,it is because in the ancient gods of war when ,although it is free and intercept religion of the war, but the benefit maximum is the Buddhism Buddhism ,now many disciples are still free ,intercept religion disciple .
relationresultPerson teaches,free and intercept religion disciples together ,specifically for those are the three disciples ,but join the Buddhist disciples, when nature is relentless, in music ,Nezha ,eight immortals sword magic ,expansion and when Madonna et al under the leadership of the disciples ,such as the potential broken bamboo is generally will be Buddhism.
A student killed ,of course ,teaching ,free fall is also a disciple ,but relatively speaking is much less than the .relationresultIntercept religionsword magic expansion and when Madonna respectively .
After they kill without any pause, straight away, and people to teach ,students completed a kill .Free after they are returned to their camp ,the Buddhist disciples is the same, are quietly returned to their camp .
relationresultThefirst one is the combination of Buddhism in dealing with cases completed ,the next battle is only the beginning .relationresult , relationresultThe 644th chapter of apostasy .
relationresultFourtaught his disciples first round confrontation soon is stopped ,in addition to leave the sword demon duguqiubai ,no when Notre Dame two people ,six days left in the disk center only that one has four taught his disciples bodies ,this time bore jade opened his eyes ,the move, six days red flash disk ,will be those eligible for reincarnation rebirth of the soul away ,and those like shallow people let them disappear in smoke ,through it all, Kong Yu and closed his eyes ,not to ignore the .
relationresultIt can be said that thisfirst round confrontation, because people teaches ,free and intercept religion disciples of the joint ,the Buddhist disciples suffered heavy losses ,and in this process the sword demon duguqiubai already was intercept religion disciple ,later to join the Buddhist disciples to execute ,cheap beats by dre,it is because of this, the sword demon duguqiubai and when Madonna in this a leg is followed by rapid left ,without a stop * *, the disciples were left game second .
relationresultAnd now there is nocomplete kill my men is the generation of disciples ,and among these ,only the Buddha strength the strength ,in the war time, was the saint under the first one ,now is not because of Kong Yu, Saint under the first person in the still it is his nature ,so there is no one to challenge the Buddha ,and Buddha sitting in front of Buddhist disciples ,does not seem to want to hand the meaning .
relationresultOriginally,this time also nobody taught his disciples thing ,person teaches students in addition to Yuen * * division outside are all completed his kill time ,safe through the cycle of death ,this is mainly to teach students are like deep person, and who taught his disciples always does good things ,I pursue the the moral stand aloof from worldly success ,so it can safely through the cycle of death ,and Yuen * * Division although did not sell, but Yuen * * Division goal is all deep ,no matter what time damages are not to him, but Yuen * * Division is here to stay ,but to help free the disciple .
relationresultAfterthe first leg ,the old looking across the Buddha ,back gestured Hiroshige Ko et al ,and Hiroshige Ko ,the reality ,Akaisei Ko ,jade tripod live ,travel ,and others are flying to six days the center of the dish, and released to teach this side, see free disciples forward, randeng ancient Buddha ,Maitreya a Buddism godness Guanyin Buddha ,Bodhisattva ,Bodhisattva Manjusri ,Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha ,and go up .
relationresultButin fact, in the first round of the contest ,in four taught his disciples and men are fallen ,and now all that remains of these people, although there is no shots ,but because they are themselves and deep ,and now these are their respective incense beliefs ,even if they don hand ,are weathering the reincarnation of kalpas ,just to compete for hundreds of millions of people in China and the incense ,they will sell ,of course ,they started when nature is not a life together .
relationresultTwodisciples in six days after Hiroshige Ko stood firm on the disc ,is facing the opposite randeng ancient Buddha ,a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva and others said , ,merciful ,those of you who commit the most heinous crimes of apostasy ,today is the day you die .
Hiroshige Ko is very high ,the sound is very loud ,so a yell sound ,straight into the sky ,reverberated with .relationresultAncientBuddhist and a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva and lamp in listening to the words of Hiroshige Ko after the face is actually nothing changes ,all face the calm to watch Hiroshige Ko and, after a while ,Hiroshige Ko saw no one bother yourself ,but also some embarrassing scratched his head ,and said , how ?Let me say you make a sound ah ,do not answer what ah ? , relationresultA Buddism godness GuanyinBodhisattva in listening to the words of Hiroshige Ko ,smiled, then to Hiroshige Ko and said , brother Hiroshige Ko, now you acting has what meaning ?Are we such as Buddhist purpose you don ? A Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva then is no longer ignore Hiroshige Ko ,quiet standing to the side .
relationresultBut Hiroshige Koheard a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva words after an awkward smile ,and then said , I was not used to it ,every time I see you are to say this ,I don react said out ,hey ,you don .
But we brothers also very long time didn have ,what also want to learn about ,say, the incense and allocation still good to consult . , relationresultSince the last timein the fight against nine world invaded China when, the leader to put immortal sword immortal sword four arranged to array ,and as Theravada Buddhism Religion Ancestor Buddha is the founder chair to strange immortal array ,is has been shown in the Theravada Buddhism once free ,intercept religion disciple in Buddhism objective .
relationresultOriginallyin the ancient gods of war when Zhuntidaoren ,while two teach the time ,continue to be taught his disciples to two of Western Buddhism ,Buddhist and makes more and more powerful up ,this is the natural attracted me ,Primus and the leader attention ,and how his saints ,natural is it can calculate the apotheosis of war Buddhism will Daxing, and also took the opportunity to be a disciple into Western Buddhism ,the purpose is to be the Western Buddhist gas dispersion .
relationresultLikea Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva ,Bodhisattva Manjusri and Samantabhadra Buddha ,sun ,detention ,because in the intercept religion three fairy arrangement of nine of the Yellow River front was named top three flowers ,closed in five ,but these things in the world means nothing at all saints ,is not necessary to Buddhism.
However ,they are in Zhuntidaoren bewitch under went to Western Buddhism ,only one objective ,that is dispersed and buddhism .relationresultTaoistimmortal sword and Dubbo in Zhu array was I escape ,I was sent to the west, of Hu as the Buddha ,established the Theravada Buddhist ,Taoist Dubbo Buddha turbo incarnation ,the Theravada religion ancestor ,the greater degree of dispersion and the Buddhism ,Buddhism and that although extremely rapid growth ,but have not been able to surpass people teach and free .
relationresultIn former times,Hiroshige Ko saw a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva disciples of free time will be et al apostasy of insulting a ,then both parties to fight a final stop ,because be well-matched in strength and in pairs ,this scene don how many times ,the purpose is to show to others, but both are understand a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva their apostasy man is not a real apostasy . Related articles:

