
beats by dre solo y rises maimed Chen

Two squares' attacks, eye on numerous visions so in the square bottom, directly bump shot at together.
Is silent, the one is silent.
"Bomb" brief silent after, an earthquake sky greatly rings, from attack hand over to match an explosion but, terrible energy motion, destroying the ground in the square is a ten several pits of rice sizes.
A way crack with thick thin thumb continuously towards all directions to spread but goes to, the ground in several meters, as if the spider's net is general.
Wu Ji Zhuang's shot together, energy wave result in, is also pound at Li Lin Feng and Zhao Qing Er people facial expression pale.
A short moment after, 2 people can not away with any further, respectively spew out a blood and pour to fly but, the body in the sky rows an a curve and hit to fall on the ground on.
Chen Yu Feng is also that one is stuffy to hum, one silk blood overflows from the corner of mouth.
"Mao Mao Mao" retreats in a row more than ten step just difficult of live a body form.
Even if how Chen Yu Feng is of violent, but face two persons with mutually just about real strenght, display Wu Ji at the same time as to it's attackstone, is also some to carry on the shoulder not to live, can make thus is already quite good.
Looking at to fall on the ground 2 people that doesn't rise, Chen Yu Feng turns a head to toward Chen Jia grandstand on of Chen Ba Tian, peep out the smiling face of one silk as if relieved of a heavy burden.
Grandstand on of Chen Ba Tian is also tiny to nod, peep out the smiling face of one silk applause.
Immediately, its station is started, loudly way:"This war, Chen Jia Chen resists breeze to win."
"Today time is hereto already late, fight, everyone's friend then lives in my Chen Fu tonight, tomorrow carry on an ultimate end match."Chen Ba Tian finishes saying one hand of putting and then turns round to in a hurry leave.
At the same time, have already had Chen Jia the pupil to take the influence personnel of those peripheries in the green mountain town into Chen Fu.
See this, three of the person also no longer talk more and respectively take to get hurt of take part in a game pupil to leave.
Chen Ba Tian arrives at a set bottom, two words don't say, rises maimed Chen Yu Feng, a few Shan bodies disappear in place ahead.
The crowd of front in, a youth of looks banality, the corner of mouth hangs one silk sneer, the lookinging at of despise leaves of Chen Ba Tian and Chen Yu Feng, gleam difficult to express ray of light in the eye.
Chen Yang stands square on, looking at be attackstoned to destroy of in a great mess ground, can not help tiny knit the brows.
"What is the very strange felling actually?"Chen Yang puzzles just to hope to watch from a distance on all sides and immediately and then shakes to leave with Chen Xue Qi.
PS:Chapter 1 sends to, begs to collect and recommends today!
Chapter 35 in this world who is the person's ability deathless?
Night, the utter darkness is like Mo, the clean bright moon is covered up by the very thick dark cloud, a few starses, in great disorderly inset in the cope of night.
Chen Jia's official residence in, the one lights is bright.
Periphery in the green mountain town takes part in a game the personnel of influence and has already been arranged at entertaining guest of Chen Jia's ground.
The war of young great king of one generation in the green mountain town finally only fights two greatest youths with Chen Yu Feng superior to win but come to an end.
This news like spring breeze general, spread the whole green mountain town by quickest speed,beats by dre solo.
Is beyond all doubt, the green mountain town is young in the days to come a generation one person would be Chen Yu Feng.
And in the daytime Chen Jia's war merit, also a spread 1: to spread 100 of be been familiar with by Chen Jia's each person.
Treat Chen Jia's person, hear Chen Yang only fights Li Zhao Liang in the game of martial state the superior don't hurt, finally comeback win of, each all stare big double eye, the shocked color of one face.
Compare to hear Chen Yu Feng's cultivation to work properly rank Wu Ji, become champion to still have to be shocked.
After all, Chen Yu Feng is originally Chen Jia young a generation one person, fix for violent, be settled for the candidate of Chen Jia next house lord, win and also is anticipating in.
But Chen Yang is different, Chen Yang is also very famous at Chen Jia.
But this reputation, but is it ability self-discipline not, but drive hat with of of discard.
Suddenly hear Chen Yang to greatly deliver might of god, not how could it be shocked reason.
Momentary, discussion at most of is Chen Yang.
There is belated effort, say that the Chen Yang originally extraordinary person there is also the person of despises, more capable of fear of person.
After all before Chen Yang not ability self-discipline, too many Chen's house sonses once humiliated Chen Yang, hear Chen Yang to fix now for has the Jin go into Wu Zhe's state, a worries to be subjected to afraid, worrying Chen Yang will seek its trouble.
However at this time, result in Chen Yang of sensation, but is in the mysterious space, with the absolute being monster Qi Lin green dozen fart.
Mysterious space inside, Chen Yang lies on the ground, the corner of mouth Diao wears one greenery and raises cross-legged, the absolute being monster Qi Lin looking at in front to suspend in the sky, light way:"Is green, now that have Qi Lin, that this exists a dragon in the world of?"
The Qi Lin suspended in the sky, one title, the full and blue and supercilious color, despises of way:"Is really a person with very limited outlook, sit a well view for sky, 3,000 greatest world, anything-goes, legendary absolute being monster, just isn't seen by ordinary mortal, you go out to make a living away from home in the days to come, what kind of miraculous difference monsters can see, probably still existence fairy."
While hearing fairy, this word, Chen Yang fiercely sits to start and stares big double of eyes and looking at air Qi Lin green, shockedly ask a way:"Fairy?"
The fairy is to be existed to legendary existence, in the another one space, the existence's fairy represented strong, represented eternal life deathless, represented world rule.
Before, Chen Yang once heard as well, but had never believed, this is in the world really existence fairy of.
"Is true, really existence fairy of?"Chen Yang asks a way.
Suspending is in the sky green, despise of saw Chen Yang Yi's eye, in the sky turned several turns, light way:"In fact, fairy is existed to legend in, who have never seen as well, is also no one to once break and once attain that state, in my eyes, the fairy is people's a kind of viewpoint for the pole territory of force, a kind of dream, break an oneself fetter, attain an eternal life deathless territory."
Is green to fall on the ground, the tone slightly shows to say sadly a way:"Have from time immemorial how much peerless outstanding personality, surprised just cut off gorgeous generation for the sake of attaining that legendary state, exhaust whole life dint, all is never successfully, but those people be still as if the moth rush toward fire generally, heroic fighting, is of is what, for of be attain a legendary eternal life deathless territory."
"But, no man can succeed, as time passes, the person who even have starts doubting, whether can really attain an eternal life deathless territory, eternal life in the whole world, and world together life."
Make reference to here, the very green emotion changes verily to arouse to move, loudly way:"The extreme limit that once there were a mankind strong, in the life dollar nearly of, the day drank to ask" in this world who person ability deathless, dare to ask heaven, the in this world can have fairy", but even if such, again how, till the last be still life dollar the exhaustion Be returned to dust."
Chen Yang sits on the ground and quietly listens to very green words, in the heart but brought about Tao the Hai wave is for sky.
"In this world who person the ability is deathless, daring to ask heaven can have fairy, the interrogation of what arrogant, how move people's heart of appearance."Chen Yang is in mind from the language way.
That rare strong gave Chen Yang too big shocking, although have no personally see, but Chen Yang can feel of it heart of question and despair.
Generation outstanding personality, extreme limit strong, in the end still never attain that legendary state, exhaustion life the dollar is returned to dust.
"Ah" is green to sigh one spirit, orotund deep and low way:"In fine, never so, even if is a peerless outstanding personality, male Ba world, is also with ordinary mortal generally have no two, can not break a that eternal life deathless territory, finally still will be returned to dust, elapse at history of long river in."
Hear very green this some kind of words, gave Chen Yang very big vibration.
If say, Chen Yang past self-discipline for canning give vent to anger, can prove that it isn't a discard, can have the ability protection its mother.
So now, Chen Yang knows, it still needs to plus a , that is to pursue a that legendary eternal life deathless territory.
Chen Yang's look in the eyes is firm, hope toward the green way:"Teacher says that the grade demarcation is Wu Zhe, the day after tomorrow, inborn, the one who turn absolute being, these four ranks, for these four ranks obstruct so many surprised just cut off the gorgeous person's step?"
"The grade divides the line, far and far isn't so simple, this be just ex- expect of a boundary just, truely strong, basically don't divide the line in these grades inside, you hereafter will understand."
Chen Yang orders to nod after listenning to and no longer talks more.
Since cut a soul don't explain, reason so affirm to have it, Chen Yang then no longer cross-examines.
"To, boy, take part in a game it in the daytime Related articles:

