
cheap beats by dre ht mirror peep ou

Enjoy .relationresultKing black dragonlike playing abuse ,in the circle is a name ,a dare to find him, psychological nature already ready .relationresultBang! Bang! Bang! Bang ! , relationresultKing black dragonsmoke rise ,put a counter on the ground, two giant hands keep brandish a ,not a while later ,red hips entire turn red a .
relationresultIt is worth a look . Black Dragon King of the satisfaction of watching your own masterpiece ,hey smiled ,and reach for the red chest ,with a twist ... ... , relationresultAh -- a scream from the cave .
relationresultRoar ! , relationresultAlong with theblack hammer lifting a rock hard hit ,a level eight winged tiger mournful growl, lying on the ground .relationresultAlreadycan not remember what is the only level eight monster ,now Longfei gossip furnace inside, filled with numerous grade eight materials .
relationresultApick ,is killed ,and from the evil hands to grab ,but many ... ... , relationresultNo one.relationresultTidy ,to continue the journey . , relationresultLongfeiorders down ,black hammer lifting a rock ,to decompose the tiger .
relationresultLongfeiseparate teeth ,the bone to take out, put aside .relationresultThe eight trigrams furnacein the material has been many, according to Longfei estimate, if all the material used, if the success rate can reach half of the words ,at least three common instruments used in refinery .
relationresultLongfei unarmed, nor Kurotetsu, small gold...... relationresultNo weapons,decomposition of the corpse ,considerable waste steel ,stone ,by hand ,thanks to the black hammer force .
relationresultThe materialhas been enough ,is time refining few artifact .relationresultAfter some consideration,decided to give the black Longfei hammer refining an ordinary objects .relationresultAnd thetrue God is to the immortal sword is not the same, to punish evil sword belonging to the secondary items ,used to make the human right ,can be used to Zhushen ,is reluctantly .
relationresultHowever.Should be able to punish the evil ,it should also be ?relationresultNot tryto know ?relationresultWiththis idea ,Longfei action .relationresultTiger,tiger bone ,is refining playing soul whip advocate material ,while the remaining material ,are from other beast bones .
relationresultLook atthe black hammer that was six meters high stature, Longfei in mind measure to make to the evil sword length .relationresultDonhammer now is six meters in height ,but now he ,is not his end ,now he is still in the developmental stage ,.
relationresultThe swordmust be wide ,to be heavy ,long ,otherwise black hammer in height ,with a not easy .relationresultThere,Longfei decision ,will punish the evil sword length is eight meters !relationresultTheeight trigrams furnace consumed almost all the bones and hard materials ,Longfei to scrape together enough to punish the evil sword refining material .
relationresultLetthe hammer and the little golden Dharma ,Longfei refining ,cheap beats by dre.relationresultWith today ... ... With today ... ... , relationresultThis timerefining time long ,one day and one night later, punish evil sword still forming .
relationresultLongfeiface sweating ,small gold early sound sleep ,only black hammer ,stared at the bell bigeye ,faithful to his dharma .relationresultThis is the first time herefining weapons did not understand completely method ,processing speed to slow down, but also nothing .
relationresultHe used torefine are red ,into the material to provide power, no one can out of finished product, but not so simple refining instruments .relationresultThe first and mostimportant point ,Longfei will need in the minds of the fantasy to refine weapon shape ,length ,and so on ,and then controls the furnace three taste really fire ,according to his ideas of Cui lian .
.. ... , relationresultNo wonderoften find in this book ,the immortal refining artifact ,mostly need a long time ,it is another reason .relationresultFor fivedays and five nights later, Longfei through mysterious red ate ,the eight trigrams furnace of punish evil sword ,finally forming a .
.. ... , relationresultAseven-color light emitted from the eight trigrams furnace ,up into the night sky ,this is used in secular precursor .relationresultAeight meters long form quite fierce giant broad sword ,a little gossip mouth ,stretched out .
relationresultThis swordwas black ,surface slightly suffused with black ,if looked at it too long ,are easy to faint .relationresultThe hammer ,come round to try sword ! , relationresultLongfeitired even lift arm strength did not have ,in that ,even if there is ,he also cannot take this is three thousand catties giant to punish the evil sword .
relationresultLongfei refining for five days, Kurotetsu also did not sleep a wink the Dharma in five days. relationresultBlackhammer heads should a sword hilt ,took hold ,will take up sword .
relationresultThissuddenly rushed up ,seems to be from the black hammer master ,we will fly to the general .relationresultBlackhammer jump : fly ... ... Windows live ,it will run . , relationresult,overcome it ! shouted a voice Longfei ,eyes closed pranayama .
relationresultAlthoughZhu evil sword is ordinary objects, but it is relatively fairy house refining artifact ,if not immortal home refining artifact of the contrast, this sword ,is undoubtedly a music device .
relationresultThis swordhas its own consciousness ,religious symbolism ,blade & soul !relationresultAh ah . Black hammer out a response ,both hands to hold the sword ,said nothing .relationresultJump up and down thearms ,strength big, can take the black hammer to fly to the sky ,for about half an hour, then a voice whispering ,be honest .
relationresultWant to beput to death the evil sword master ,if do not have a certain strength ,the sword but not deny you .relationresultHa ha ha ,Columbia ,it is honest . Big black hammer called .
relationresultLongfeione laugh ,he knew, with black hammer can easily overcome this sword .relationresultThe thirteenth chapter empty bucket of St. , relationresultAmysterious light mirror ,looking at the black hammer Longfei dance with joy ,slightly furrowed brows .
relationresultInthe forest they had just entered ,Longfei had used black light powers to search of Lanna and black hammer .relationresultCan be the result of... ... , relationresultMysterious lightmirror above even the slightest display no ,don to Longfei left .
relationresultBlacklight is the ordinary objects, itself has drawbacks, take the beast ,the following seven can ,but more than seven ,mysterious light mirror peep out .relationresultThe lastpeep to black hammer and Lana ,because the octopus monster reason ?relationresultThe last timea picture not to see ,just because the monster octopus ?relationresultSciencedoes not want to understand .
relationresultIndeed,the octopus monster but according to Longfei estimation ,octopus monster ,only in the eight stage upstream .relationresultWith amysterious light mirror peep in the eight stage upstream of the monster ,usually to see the monster ,and then image disappear ,and will never be a point image of No .
relationresultThe reasonis because Lana ?relationresultOr because theblack hammer causes? , relationresultHa ha ha ,this sword is so cool . , relationresultBlackhammer wielding the sword ,beam with joy joy .
relationresultLongfeilaughs: the hammer !Go to rest ,we will rush . , relationresultOh ,see columbia . , relationresultBlackhammer should be a sound ,lying on the ground ,holding a sword ,sleeping .
.. ... , relationresultFrom thestart he Longfei Lian sword ,can not sleep a wink ,always loyal to his Dharma ,no matter the dark night .relationresultLook at the sleepingblack hammer ,Longfei smiled and shook his head .
relationresultEven ifhe is six meters in height ,he is just a child .relationresult...... , relationresultRoar-- , relationresultHave dizzy spells,Longfei was a roar woke up, open your eyes ,he suddenly froze .
relationresultIn the sky,seven Blue Dragon hovering above the ground, ten ,head of the earth yellow dragon is toward the direction they came ... ... , relationresultA lot ofdragon !relationresultFeibig Related articles:

