
monster beats ss heard Peter thi

Somehow Ialso changed the safety side liquid type whisper to .Afraid of fur .Chen Xiaotong himself took the lower common bile .Said : play a 2000 game . , relationresultChen Xiaotongopen .
It is not what the roaring waves caused by .Chen Xiaotong think .It hit three pighead .2000 Bureau hum do not moan .relationresultButPeter is not a vegetarian .To open one .The sentence I read too little .
First I up to warm up .2000 2000 .The following as long as the funds can be doubled . , relationresultChen Xiaotong gasped.Double that is not 4000 ?Yet, Chen Xiaotong regretted the first game price is too high .
Chandler is unable to hold oneself back to announce the game start .relationresultThisis called Peter ID in common can .But Chen Xiaotong and others won know .Peter 7 is the black division notorious repute to my team .
Death in their hands with Shangdi rookie too many to count .They often play a day and a night game on the top of many working-class month salary .And most of the students came here to different .
These people are all former through battle.net before occupation force .Only the early retirement or are filtered out .Despite this .Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.
Perennial in the gutter rats is abnormal .relationresultThepeople is not imagine Chen Xiaotong waste .In the black race Internet cafes Street mix things without streaking is depends on the ability of .
relationresultFor example,this is done with the Chiang-Nan seven strange as group of 7 lead characters in peter .He is good at playing air combat, a hand Orc dragon with very is * * ,see who shot who .
Peter the name origin is a story .When the high school Peter school is accommodation .A lot of boys night out all night love cross the wall .One of Peter most cattle B ,almost every night to go out to kill a night of devil beast .
And over the wall knows ,turning more also more skilled .Peter due to night ran out ,so get a waves on water like .Cross the wall and walk .Can be a peter out overnight to time to peer students demonstrate their skills .
From the two floor to wall flew past .The trousers were the last fence hook to hook .2 people can shout ,results Peter lifted the whole night .The Peterpan and rise to fame .Height is 163 ,Peter is also a little longer to Peterpan this name .
relationresultChen Xiaotongalways thought play with appearance is a great relationship .Like Song Xiaojie ,ice et al was the graceful bearing and superior strength ,like Lin Wei ,Ruy is beautiful is the Buddha block to kill the Buddha God retaining wanted .
So Chen Xiaotong was quite short for Shen pinching off sweat .relationresult2000 pieces ofthe first board game behind double once come out ,black Internet bar street immediately go into action without delay .
On Shen words debugging mouse keyboard that short moment ,monster beats,Chandler opens in the Internet bar is up almost out of the woman .relationresultWho touchedmy * * ! , relationresultMan * * also touch ! , relationresultI feel the male female ! , relationresultA commotion in the crowd,Ye Yu soon gave Chandler 2000 yuan ,Peter also smiled and took out 2000 .
No matter who wins ,black Internet bars will extract each 50 as material fee .Of course, the money is not earning money .Black Internet bar more by other spectators bet .This time is not much beyond all expectations .
After all, an unknown with Samsung Logitech MX300 strange girl .We do not know the time of the .relationresultPeterat Shen words when debugging the mouse and keyboard hand speed is not very fast ,on the back of the 6 savage smile a .
The savages is a knowing smile .Like to say, ,good no good horse saddle top bird with rookie ,even with strong click the mouse and keyboard or rookie ,the 2000 block is to give us the .
relationresultPeter is somewhatcontemptuous yet little pack elegant way can get started ,Belle ? , relationresultBut Shen Yanwas a pair of others owe her tens of thousands still playing mahjong ,not to give her a shot .
Don ignore Peter ,Touyebutai continue to debug the mouse .relationresultChen Xiaotongwas a bit puzzled, Shen Yan debugging mouse and keyboard hand speed enough scares roadside many puppies ,I today slow with what the first tear .
Chen Xiaotong didn dare ask ,Shen word came back a little to complain of the one look at Ye Yu ,said : buy me a bottle of water ,I thirst . , relationresultA group of peopletogether around Ye Yu and Chen Xiaotong almost direct flutter to the ground, took tremendous effort to stabilize the heel .
relationresultYe Yuwould like Ramen put pepper .He said I go to disappeared .relationresultGood ! , relationresultPeople arounda sigh .While this sighed when ,Shen words but sketch OK .
Peter face have been lost to the Pacific ,of course, immediately start the match .relationresultDonthree races ,Shen word back to their native undead .Unknown opponents case, Shen words or stability more .
But Shen words knew that Ye Yu was not behind ,you little sigh .Being watched often tense ,so close was observed by Ye Yu Shen words will feel shy .After all, their object of worship ,and Shen words outside the black game more, more or less heard Peter this man name .
Shen Yan has decided not to throw leaves Yu and Chen Xiaotong face ,if the Peter strength is strong ,the Shen words will rely on haven used stunt ,the first 100 percent strength .
It is also not let Ye Yu in his side to disrupt his thoughts cause .relationresultPeterdon Shen words are so complicated mental activity ,only Peter vaguely feel Shen said ID very strange .
Malefic like where heard ... ... , relationresultZhang Wujihis mother once said the more beautiful woman more cannot believe .Peter how to think a woman or child is more suitable for cooking rice with devil beast that is man ,.
relationresultThe map isTwistedMeadws ,is abundant in gold .Unfortunately for the orcs and undead ,that is the equipment .2 less open mine division races fight is also wasted such a map .
relationresultWho knows,a seemingly ordinary ,there are still millions of men and women in bed ��������Shanghai at night,says Chen Xiaotong is Shen destiny flip night .relationresultClassicshowdown is always a classic opening .
TM Shen words was born in map one o ,while the Peter is at eleven o .Access ,instant placed under the altar ,also let all people know dogs streaming start .The first time to make the exploration .
Shen Yan is better than peter .But in the hacked Shen words Pathfinder acolyte ,Peter also know where Shen Yan is .relationresultAt this moment,Shen said the 2 puppies and death knights also divides a arrived .
See it all the spectators is pharynx pharynx slobber ,is really an expert !relationresultThe 412nd chapter swept the black race 4 , relationresultThe dogrobbery or murder and burn is good, but lasting fighting undoubtedly have abnormal cow B operation .
Drunk - gel - Network Shen made harassment from the beginning go sideways .Light is faster than a fit the hand ,make straight the creeps .relationresultThe dogcoming ,but also influence the wood . Related articles:

